Community Music Center
Learn more about the Community Music Center, meet our dedicated bilingual staff, and register your student
Join Today!
We accept new students throughout the year.
If your child would like to learn how to play an instrument and is currently in the 4th grade or above, this is the perfect program for them. For more information, please contact LJMS’ Learning and Engagement Director, Allison Boles: 858.526.3438 or ABoles@LJMS.org.
Classes Offered:
When: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Time: 3:45 PM – 5:45 PM
Where: Logan Memorial Educational Campus, 2875 Ocean View Blvd, San Diego, CA 92113
Únete hoy!
Aceptamos nuevos estudiantes durante todo el año.
Si estas en 4to grado; en adelante, y estas interesado en aprender a tocar un instrumento, este es el programa perfecto para ti. Para mas informacion contactar a director de programa: Sr. Serafin Paredes 619.507.8218.
Clases Que Ofrecemos:
Flauta, Clarinete, y Saxofón
Cuando: Lunes, Martes, Y Miercoles
Hora: 3:45 PM – 5:45 PM
Lugar: Logan Memorial Educational Campus, 2875 Ocean View Blvd, San Diego, CA 92113
Our Staff / Nuestro personal

Serafin Paredes
Community Music Center Director
Serafin Paredes
Mr. Paredes earned his Bachelor of Music from San Diego State University in Music Education in 1998. After graduating from SDSU, he attended National University, where he earned his Master of Education in Cross-Cultural Teaching and his B-CLAD Teaching Credential. Mr. Paredes has been a music educator in the San Diego Unified School District since 1999 when started his teaching career teaching band, orchestra, and guitar at an elementary school. Aside from being an elementary music teacher, he also started teaching string instruments at La Jolla Music Society’s Community Music Center, where he has been the director for the past eighteen years. Since 2012, Mr. Paredes has been the mariachi director at the University of San Diego. Currently, he is working at developing the music program at Logan Memorial Educational Campus.

Xiomara Pastenes
Community Music Center Administrative Assistant
Xiomara Pastenes
Xiomara Pastenes has been a part of the La Jolla Music Society’s Community Music Center for about six years as an Administrative Assistant. She also teaches the string section of our LJMS Ensemble. She is currently working to finish her degree in Marketing Communications.

Juan Sanchez
Percussion Instructor
Juan Sanchez

Noila Carrazana
Vocal Instructor
Noila Carrazana
Ms. Carrazana is of Cuban origin (musician and performer). She is a teacher and vocalist of Latin musical genres with African influences (Bolero, Chachacha, Salsa, Rumba, Afro, Latin Jazz, and jazz improvisation). As a music professional, she visited Germany, Martinique, Japan, San Martín, Brazil, and Mexico. She teaches courses and musical workshops for vocal improvisation. She is currently studying Music and Acting at Grossmont College San Diego to transfer to the University of San Diego.
Sra. Carrazana es de origen cubano (Música e Intérprete). Es profesora y vocalista de géneros musicales latinos con influencias africanas (Bolero, Chachachá, Salsa, Rumba, Afro, Latin Jazz e improvisación de jazz). Como profesional de la música, visitó Alemania, Martinica, Japón, San Martín, Brasil y México. Imparte cursos y talleres musicales de improvisación vocal. En diciembre de 2014; se mudó a San Diego. Actualmente estudia Música y Actuación en Grossmont College San Diego para transferirse a la Universidad de San Diego.

Marcus Cortez
Piano Instructor
Marcus Cortez

Ian Lawrence
Guitar Instructor
Ian Lawrence

Marko Paul
Woodwind Instructor
Marko Paul

Eduardo Ruiz
Brass Instructor
Eduardo Ruiz
Eduardo Ruiz has been the brass instructor of La Jolla Music Society’s Community Music Center since 2015. Born and raised in San Diego, he has worked hard to bring music to San Diego and its surrounding areas for over 10 years and is currently pursuing a degree in Music Education. He plays trumpet and enjoys composing and arranging.

Rebeca Tamez
Strings Instructor
Rebeca Tamez
Rebeca Tamez has been working as the violin instructor with the La Jolla Music Society Community Music Center (CMC) since 2016. Ms. Tamez has a Bachelor of Arts in Music with an emphasis in music theory from the University of San Diego. She is currently working on her Master of Science in educational counseling. Ms. Tamez enjoys working with and teaching the CMC string students.
About the Community Music Center
La Jolla Music Society has operated our award-winning afterschool music program, the Community Music Center (CMC), for over 25 years. Based in Logan Heights at the Logan Memorial Educational Campus (formerly Memorial Preparatory), the CMC is designed to increase students’ self-confidence and resilience, while providing a safe and equitable environment for studying and creating music.
Research suggests music students outperform their non-music peers, and by offering free instruments and bilingual instruction, the CMC allows students who may not normally be able to participate in music programs to gain that advantage.
The CMC provides free instruments and free group lessons three days a week in seven different instrument families for students in grades 4–12. Students also participate in two recitals each year, which builds self-confidence and pride. In addition to providing free instruments and books for classroom use and at-home practice, LJMS awards students who meet attendance and musical proficiency requirements for two years with a new instrument they can keep for life. With the support of a dedicated and qualified nine-member teaching staff, students’ lives are changed forever, building critical learning and life skills through music-making.
Acerca del Community Music Center
La Jolla Music Society ha operado nuestro galardonado programa de música extracurricular, el Community Music Center (CMC), durante más de 25 años. Con sede en Logan Heights en el Logan Memorial Educational Campus (anteriormente Memorial Preparatory), el CMC está diseñado para aumentar la confianza en sí mismos y la autoestima de los estudiantes, al tiempo que proporciona un entorno seguro y equitativo para estudiar y crear música.
El CMC de La Jolla Music Society ofrece instrumentos y libros gratuitos para uso en el aula y práctica en casa. Los estudiantes de CMC (grados 4-12) participan en lecciones grupales gratuitas tres días a la semana en siete familias de instrumentos diferentes que culminan en dos recitales cada año, lo que genera confianza en sí mismos y orgullo. Después de dos años en el programa, LJMS premia a los estudiantes que cumplen con los requisitos de asistencia y competencia musical con un instrumento que pueden conservar de por vida.
Las investigaciones sugieren que los estudiantes de música superan a sus compañeros que no son músicos, y al ofrecer instrumentos gratuitos e instrucción bilingüe, el CMC les brinda a los estudiantes, que normalmente no pueden participar en programas de música, esa ventaja. Con el apoyo de un personal docente de nueve miembros dedicado y calificado, las vidas de los estudiantes cambian para siempre, desarrollando un aprendizaje crítico y habilidades para la vida a través de la creación musical.