Leave A Lasting Legacy
Music is the story of our souls and connects one generation to another. It is important that future generations enjoy our passion and creative spirit. You can play a permanent role and create enduring support for La Jolla Music Society. The Legacy Society honors patrons who have made provisions for La Jolla Music Society’s future in their will or estate plan. In recognition of their support, members are listed in our Program Book and are invited to special social events.
For more information, contact:
Ferdinand Gasang
Director of Development
We can make arrangements for many planned giving options that offer various tax advantages, like:

Outright Gifts
Outright Legacy gifts of $10,000 or more to one of the Society’s endowment funds will provide immediate benefits for us and tax-saving benefits for you.

Gifts of Real Property
Donate your home or other real estate to La Jolla Music Society and receive immediate tax benefits, even if you continue to live in your home. This keeps the property out of your taxable estate.

Beneficiary Designations
Naming La Jolla Music Society as beneficiary of a life insurance policy, annuity, or retirement plan is a great way to eliminate substantial estate and income tax on these assets at the time of your death.

Income Producing Gifts
Charitable Gift Annuities, Pooled Income Funds, and Charitable Remainder Trusts are planned giving strategies that provide income for you and/or loved ones. These techniques are also excellent tools for reducing income tax and reducing or eliminating estate tax.

Charitable Lead Trusts
Transferring assets to a trust that pays a yearly income to La Jolla Music Society for a specified number of years, and then returns the assets to you or your designated beneficiaries. The trust assets will not be included in your estate, providing income, gift and estate tax benefits.

Making a bequest in your will or trust for La Jolla Music Society is an ideal way to make a significant gift while retaining the use of your assets during your lifetime. You can bequeath a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or a residual value after other gifts have been satisfied.

Why I Give
“In addition to my yearly giving I have designated a bequest for La Jolla Music Society’s endowment. Little else gives me as much satisfaction as knowing that I can help keep the performing arts and artistic education alive and well far into the future.”
— Jeanette Stevens,
Medallion Society, Dance Society, Legacy Society and Board Membe
Legacy Society Members
Anonymous (2)
June L. Bengston*
Joan Jordan Bernstein
Bjorn Bjerede and Jo Kiernan
Dr. James C. and Karen A. Brailean
Gordon Brodfuehrer
Barbara Buskin*
Trevor Callan
Geoff and Shem Clow
Anne and Robert Conn
George and Cari Damoose
Teresa and Merle Fischlowitz
Ted and Ingrid Friedmann
Joy and Ed* Frieman
Sally Fuller
Maxwell H. and Muriel S. Gluck*
Dr. Trude Hollander*
Eric Lasley
Theodora Lewis
Joani Nelson
Maria and Dr. Philippe Prokocimer
Bill Purves
Darren and Bree Reinig
Jay W. Richen*
Leigh P. Ryan
Jack* and Joan Salb
Johanna Schiavoni
Pat Shank
Drs. Joseph and Gloria Shurman
Karen and Christopher Sickels
Jeanette Stevens
Elizabeth and Joseph* Taft
Norma Jo Thomas
Dr. Yvonne E. Vaucher
Lucy and Ruprecht von Buttlar
Ronald Wakefield
John B. and Cathy Weil
Carolyn Yorston-Wellcome and H. Barden
Karl and Joan Zeisler
Josephine Zolin
*In Memoriam