This Week at SummerFest
SummerFest 2022: Thursday, August 25 & Friday, August 26
at The Conrad Prebys Performing Arts Center
View this season’s featured artists
Learn more about SummerFest 2022
All events are in The Baker-Baum Concert Hall unless otherwise noted.

New Wine, Old Bottles
Thursday, August 25, 2022 • 7:30 PM
Prelude performance by Aestas Trio • 6:30 PM
Using the instrumentation of some of the most iconic pieces in music—Mozart’s Clarinet Quintet and Schubert’s Octet and “Trout” Quintet—composers Brahms, Françaix, and Chris Rogerson create their own unique and masterful works.

Finale: Metamorphosis
Friday, August 26, 2022 • 7:30 PM
Prelude performance by Pelia Quartet • 6:30 PM
An orchestra transformed into a trio, a string orchestra to a septet, and a quartet to a string orchestra—these powerful works not only transform themselves but transport the listeners. The merry pranks of Till Eulenspiegel are followed by the stirring postwar elegy of Metamorphosen in two of Strauss’s most ingenious works, and we close the festival with Schubert’s dramatic and powerful String Quartet re-envisioned by Mahler as an even more dramatic and powerful symphonic work, performed by an all-star string ensemble.